It would be naive to ignore the personal benefit of compensation as a factor, but as the researchers concluded, almost half of all egg donors were ‘altruistic’ and wanted to donate specifically to help someone else have a child.
“Altruism is the main motivation why donors donate but financial compensation certainly helps persuade a number of donors,” according to study leader Professor Guido Pennings. More than 1,4000 donors across 11 European countries were included in the study. Donors over 25 and those with a higher level of education were generally more likely to donate for altruistic reasons alone, and only one-in-ten women donated specifically for financial reward.
Another interesting discovery? “The general donor profile from this study is someone who is well-educated, 27 years old, and living with a partner and child,” notes Pennings. “This does not fit the idea that most people seem to have of a poor student who donates for money.”
We firmly believe women deserve compensation for the time, dedication, and inconvenience required for the donation process. We also know first hand that egg donors are bright, mature, and empathetic individuals. It’s refreshing to see a study that highlights the generous nature in which egg donors give of themselves. To learn more about ConceiveAbilities’ egg donor program and to start an application for this incredible journey, visit us at www.conceiveabilities.com.