Meet the men behind surrogacy: A Partner’s Guide

So, your wife or girlfriend is considering becoming a surrogate? Perhaps this is something she has been talking about for a long time or an idea you’ve just recently heard about. Either way, we are here to help you learn more about what is involved in the surrogacy process – everything from the compensation, the required commitment, and the phases of the journey. We’ll also provide a rundown of how you, as her partner, will be directly involved. Our priority is making certain both our surrogate applicants and their partners feel informed and empowered.
Chechk out our Process OverviewRead our BlogMy husband was actually the one who initially encouraged me to apply because he knew I had always talked about it and was something I really wanted to do!
ConceiveAbilities Surrogate, Jenna
Common Concerns
We would like to clarify three common concerns and questions from husbands and partners.
1. Surrogates have no genetic link to the children they carry.
Your wife will not have a genetic connection to the child she carries. This will not be her child. This will not be your child. An embryo (created with another woman’s egg and another man’s sperm) will be directly transferred into your wife’s uterus by a credentialed Reproductive Endocrinologist. The resulting child will have no tie to your family tree.
2. Properly screened surrogates do not have difficulty “giving the baby up”.
We often hear surrogates describe surrogacy as “extreme babysitting” and many say that the most exciting part of the entire journey was seeing the faces of the intended parents when their child is finally born. Your wife will know throughout the entire pregnancy that this is not her child and that she is making parenthood possible for a deserving family. Surrogates rightfully see this as “giving the baby back” to its parents, not “giving it up.”
3. Those scary stories are not the reality.
Surrogacy with a reputable agency in the United States is a very safe and secure arrangement. The horror stories, the Lifetime movies and the urban legends in no way reflect the realities of modern day surrogacy. Thousands of USA surrogacy deliveries occur each year, and the vast majority of these journeys are overseen by capable professionals, committed to the well-being of all parties, medical safety, legal best practices, and the strictest standards of ethics. The multilayered protections built into a reputable agency’s program completely eliminate the possibility of such sensationalized outcomes.

The first time I casually mentioned it, my husband didn’t say much, but then came home the following week and had done all sorts of research on it. We talked it over and he said Well I know you love helping people so this is pretty much a peak experience for you. I’m in if you’re in.
My husband was more worried about getting scammed or left with bills. I was too, which is why I wanted to go through a reputable agency.

Although qualifying surrogate applicants are inspired mostly by their altruistic desire to help another family, they are providing a very valuable service and are compensated. In addition to compensation, all costs associated with the journey, including medical and travel expenses, are covered.
Did you know that we offer one of the most competitive compensation packages in the field? Most of our first-time surrogate compensation packages range from $48,000-$55,000 and increase according to individual circumstances. Our high compensation may be a small part of why your wife or partner is looking to work with us. Are you interested in learning about compensation? Visit our compensation page.
She can’t do it without you
There are some things in life that you just can’t do without the love and support of your partner. It just so happens that becoming a surrogate (with a reputable agency) is one of those things. Any agency worth consideration will require that the surrogate applicant has the full support of her partner before beginning the journey.
Being married or in a committed relationship is not a requirement for acceptance into our surrogacy program. But those who are married or in a committed relationship do need the support and participation of their partners in order to be accepted.

My husband did not cry at our wedding or even when each of our own three children were born. But when I delivered as a surrogate and he witnessed another man finally become a father after a long and trying struggle with infertility, my husband definitely cried.
Kristin, ConceiveAbilities Surrogate
Hear from Greg, the husband of a ConceiveAbilities surrogate, on his role, how he supported his wife, and how the initial reactions he received from the intended parents were a surprise to me.
Start your journeyMy husband has been my #1 support through it all.
ConceiveAbilites Surrogate
Just being there for me and helping me when I couldn’t do things having understanding that I’m was just too tired sometimes
ConceiveAbilites Surrogate
He’s never been one that’s helpful around the house so that didn’t change lol but he didn’t complain and he bought dinners when I didn’t feel like cooking.
ConceiveAbilites Surrogate
My husband supported my journey by cleaning, cooking and doing laundry., I was tired after work every day and went straight to bed. He will bring me dinner in bed and tell the kids to be quiet because mommy was trying to sleep.
ConceiveAbilites Surrogate
Shots in the butt!! And juggling our kiddos while I had to travel and during delivery.
ConceiveAbilites Surrogate
Every way possible! My husband is amazing to begin with and I am so thankful for him on an everyday “normal” basis but during our journey he was above and beyond.
ConceiveAbilites Surrogate
My husband helped by bathing and putting the kids to bed when I couldn’t bend over, listening to me, being excited and sad with me, taking time off or doing both my job and his for any doc appt as if it was our child I was growing. Without batting an eye and never making me feel guilty about it or responsible like it’s my job- just doing it because he loved my belly buddy too.
ConceiveAbilites Surrogate
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