
Congratulations, New York State!

Be a surrogate

Everyone Is One Step Closer

At ConceiveAbilities, we are simply thrilled for the many wonderful New Yorkers who are now one step closer to their family building efforts. Being a parent is a choice and a right that we believe everyone deserves, and that’s been our belief for almost 25 years. Regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, race, religion, nationality, geography, socioeconomic status, disability or any combination of these, we dedicate ourselves to providing step-by-step support that helps intended parents everywhere, build their family. Because family is everything, now more than ever. And for intended parents everywhere, New York’s action is a concrete endorsement that surrogacy continues to gain momentum, worldwide.

Gay Dads

For same sex couples that hope to be parents, like gay dads, we know that this law helps lower the barriers, but we also know that the legal landscape can have additional complexities across states and counties. Our in-house legal team understands the laws regarding surrogacy for gay couples and provides expert guidance for the journey ahead.

And, our team works hard to support the needs of every individual and couple that we work with, from the needs of hopeful dads, to understanding costs, to providing dedicated support for your entire journey.

Surrogate Know-How

But, most importantly, as a surrogacy agency, we are experts in helping you find a great surrogate, one that just makes sense for you. The surrogacy calling is not for everyone and those that are accepted as surrogates at ConceiveAbilities, to be considered by you, succeed through a careful approval process.

So, join us in celebrating the momentum in New York State. Let’s start your journey towards parenthood right now so you are ready to go. Contact us today. We can’t wait to hear from you.

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