
Surrogate Spotlight: Meet ConceiveAbilities Surrogate Kristina Fabis


Be a surrogate


Surrogate and Clinical Nurse Liaison shares her experience of becoming a surrogate


I'm Kristina and am happily married to my husband of almost 20 years. We'd only been married for 8 years when I started my first surrogacy journey. We have two children, a 26 year old daughter and an 18 year old son. I love to travel, be on the water, and am always looking to try something new!


When my son was in kindergarten, one of his classmate's mother was a surrogate. She was the first surrogate I had ever met, so initially I turned to her with a few questions and for more information. While I knew what a surrogate was, I had never met one before. At this time, I was nearing the maximum age to become a surrogate. Although I was in the process of furthering my education, things at home were pretty stable as was my job as a labor and delivery nurse. I decided to apply and see what became of it. I am so glad that I did!


Most people in my life have had nothing but the kindest things to say about what I have done. However, my father initially did not understand what would compel me to become a surrogate. Interestingly enough, by the time I was carrying for my second and third sets of intended parents, it was this same man who couldn't not tell anyone he met about what I was doing fast enough! He sure was proud of the gift I was giving these families, and I think that watching everything unfold throughout my first journey helped him understand the magnitude of this gift.

Kristina says the best moment of her surrogacy journey was watching her intended parents see the child they dreamed about enter the world.


Hands down, the most rewarding part of my surrogacies has been watching my intended parents see a child they dreamed about enter the world. It truly brings the initial aspect of a journey full circle. The friendship and updates I get from these families I helped create has been equally rewarding.

Inspired by Kristina? Calling All Surrogates

Are you a woman who enjoyed a healthy and successful pregnancy? Do you have friends or family who have suffered from infertility or need assistance from someone else to build their family? Have you ever considered the role you could play in helping someone else build their family - as a surrogate? Learn more about the process of helping someone else's dream of building a family come true. We would love to talk with you.

Be a surrogate