
Surrogate Spotlight: Meet ConceiveAbilities Surrogate Tobi Overmars


Be a surrogate


ConceiveAbilities Surrogate, Tobi Overmars, shares why she became a surrogate


Hi! I'm Tobi and I live in southern New Hampshire with my husband and our 3 sons. I work outside the home at a local non-profit, although since COVID I've been lucky enough to work remotely. My family and I enjoy hiking, the outdoors, adventures and family time.


I wanted to become a surrogate ever since the birth of my oldest son. Being able to be part of that moment of giving someone their child was something that really spoke to me. I was lucky enough to have easy pregnancies and deliveries with my own children, so I thought, why not?! After the birth of our youngest son, we knew that our family was complete. After I finished nursing him, I was certain the time was right to pursue surrogacy!

ConceiveAbilities Surrogate, Tobi Overmars, on how she knew it was the right time to become a surrogate


After signing up with ConceiveAbilities, I was matched pretty quickly with a couple just a few states away. This was all right when COVID lock downs began, so it was a crazy time! I drove down to the clinic in New Jersey for my medical work up, and we had our first embryo transfer September 2020. It was successful, although we unfortunately had an early miscarriage discovered at our 8 week monitoring appointment. After a long few months getting back my body back on track after the D&C, we had our second transfer March 2021. I am now 26 weeks pregnant with my IPs baby girl!


Pushing through uncertainty and the difficult moments that occurred throughout the IVF process and the first half of the pregnancy was tough. We had a bumpy road, so persevering through that to get where we are today is very rewarding. I now know all the sacrifices I made were worthwhile!

Inspired by Tobi? Calling All Surrogates

Are you a woman who enjoyed a healthy and successful pregnancy? Do you have friends or family who have suffered from infertility or need assistance from someone else to build their family? Have you ever considered the role you could play in helping someone else build their family - as a surrogate? Learn more about the process of helping someone else's dream of building a family come true. We would love to talk with you.

Be a surrogate